
This is an early acrylic painting, probably about 8" x 10". The figure has refined, and the wings are becoming more defined. I tend to use a lot of this pale pink violet colour as the angels seem comfortable in its energy. I don’t recall where this one went to, I am sure it is happy though!

This is one of my most recent pieces, Dark Angel, created in October 2009. The physical depiction of the angel has strengthened and the colours have taken on a more powerful delivery. Although this looks dark in colour, no black was used in creating it, just magenta, violet, indigo and emerald with a gold Iustre finish. The angel carries a Swarovvski "cosmic circle" crystal which represents the infinite circle of being. This is a large, powerful piece and now resides with a local Lightworker, here in Nottingham. However, I have also created several versions of this one in various sizes and they have been my absolute best sellers.

This is one of my “first generation" of watercolour angels. Note the childlike style, and how loose the brushstrokes are. It was created in 2002, probably not long after the first angel had arrived. For a while this was a display piece in a friends Holistic Centre in Nottingham, when she sold the practice, I asked if l could have it back, as it was really my only reference to that very early style of working. I have a lot of affection for this little one

In November / December 2007 I created these incredible portrayals of the ARCHAEoNS. Each canvas is 2ft x 6ft and contains crystals, metals, essences, pigments, and even the vibrational imprinting of sound. Each of these canvas’ holds the energy of an Ascended Archangel, From left to right we have: Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Metatron, GabrieI, and Azrael. These are unlike anything I have ever created before or since. To find out more goto my dedicated website

Everyday Angels GalleryEveryday Angels Gallery

“EVeRYDaY ANGeLS” ® is a registered Trademark. All images and written material are protected by copyright to Alison Knox. You may download or forward images as long as provenance is acknowledged and no work is reproduced in any way for commercial purposes”

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