All links on this site are personally known to me and are offered in the spirit of sharing and exchange. Please make your own mind up about my choices.
Link of the Month
I now have a new LINK OF THE MONTH for you to explore which will introduce a new and exciting website which has resonated in some way with my own heart.
- Ian is a truly gifted genius when it comes to creating soundscapes to enhance the expereince of my angelic artowrks. Somehow, he is able to disassemble the intangible made tangible and remaster it into sound. I use his work very often in my workshops and meditations, and they always facilitate a deep and expanded experience. My favourite tracks are "The Archaeons" which deleiver the vibration of 6 of my most powerful angelics Metatron, Azrael, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel. Wow!
- You will usually find me here on the first Sunday of the Month, offering a couple of deep meditation sessions, usually supported by an angel or two! This place has to be experienced to be believed, it is truly awe inspiring, and a work of faith and love. Some of my most significant artworks live here. It is also a Chartiable Foundation.
- Chris is one of the coolest guys I know! Having found him through the powers of serendipity, on the Positively Positive newsletter, he is another of my "go to" resources when I need something special creating. Chris wrote a song for me, based on one of my own poems, "I let my love fly free" but he gave it wings and made it fly! Based in Canada, Chris came to stay with us in the UK in November 2015, and got to perform a mini concert at Gorton Monastery, then join us on retreat at Inner Guidance. I love what this guy does with his voice, all the more so when you read his story!
- - If you seek the peace and magic of your own wildlife garden, then here is a good place to start. Jenny Steel is passionate about wildlife, and instrumental in teh success of which supplies all your needs for nature friendly gardening and re-cycling and nurturing of nature. Her book "Bringing a garden to life" is illustrated with beautiful photography and is a totally inspirational read.
- - offers intelligent, state of the art Astrology for the discerning human being. Steve is a highly experienced diagnostic and consultant Astrologer (and a really interesting bloke!) based near Bath. Using complementary and holistic approaches, Steve can give a unique perspective on such issues as relationships, identity and purpose, career and direction, home and family etc. I was delighted with the work he undertook and delivered for me and my husband relating to considerations about our current home. We were able to commit to some decisions from a point of strength and confidence, knowing that the Universe was already in approval of our undertaking. Great bloke: incredible depth of knowledge: amazing gift Telephone: 0207 6177402 for further details or to make an appointment.
- - I was introduced to Hilary and Mark by Archangel Metatron and it seems we have a lot in common! Based in Bournemouth,they offer inspirational support for fellow Lightworkers and have some wonderful insights into the Archangels and Ancient Egypt which are well worth browsing.
- - Debbie Kinley is the most delightfully warm and naturally bubbly personality who is well qualified, and well travelled as a practitioner of Bowen technique, Emmett technique and Gene Dobkins "Neural Touch" therapies. Based in March, Cambridgshire, Debbie has recently committed to a beautifully relaxing healing space from which she can offer her therapies and treatments, specialising in pain and stress relief.
- - If you are as fed up as I am of getting well intentioned but misguided "warnings" and "opportunities" then sign up to this excellent free subscription service dedicated to debunking e-mail hoaxes, thwarting scammers, and combating spam. Please. . . if you recieve e-mail which propogates fearmongering or seems in any way dodgy, then just check it out on this site. . . if in doubt do not pass it on, you are just hosting the energies of those who would have us live in fear. I am giddy with having to climb on my "high horse" so often about this stuff.
- - Anne Race is the wonderful animal healer who was able to give me such a good insight to Robbie the puppy when she was so ill. (I do realise that in my newsletter I said she didn't have a website . . .but I got that wrong. . . here she is!
- - Incense is the simplest, purest and cheapest way to make your living space fragrant. I LOVE xxxxxxxx the gorgeous fragrant incense made for the temples by the fabulous Adi-Guru das. Recognizing that quality incense is rare to find in today's age Adi- Guru set out to "bring the best to the West" and sell to friends in the USA and UK who encouraged him to make this rare quality incense available worldwide on the net. So here it is, from anywhere in the world you can have your incense conveniently delivered to you in simple 50 gram bundles, 15gm packets and 30gm collection boxes packaged simply, offering you true value and a product you know has been made with Xxxxxxxxxx TLC.( It never smells like grannys underpants!)
- - Described quite openly by the owner as The Strange Scottish Winery; the half baked tourist attraction Cairn O Mohr produces totally scrumptious fruit wines from locally gathered fruits and other natural materials which can be rendered into interesting potions. I was lucky enough to be gifted a case of these distinctly unusual wines and found out quite quickly why the winery is called "Cairn O Mohr" . . . after a couple of sips, you don't! ( Say it slowly then you will get it!). The brochure is a marketeers nightmare but really very entertaining.)
- - Keith Birch has some rather beautiful and unusual crystals for the discerning Lightworker. Already I have been fortunate enough to have aquired some rather lovely pieces and look forward to some future aquisitions.
- - On 9th October 2009 the film "The Vanishing of The Bees" will go on general release here in the UK. It has been made by Maryam Henein and George Langworthy and I believe is stands testament to the unprecedented crisis we now face if we continue to lose our honey bees at the current rate. I have seen preview versions of this film, and it is quite awe inspiring. It has cost Maryam everything she has to make it, her commitment has been absolute and her love for the bees unwavering. GO SEE IT!!
- - I came across Ravens magnificent skulls unwittingly, and it appears I have two pieces of his handiwork, I am a true appreciator of a Master Craftsman and would highly recommend anyone interested in skulls to check out this site."
- - "This fabulous site sells fairtrade products and gifts, but I am especially excited about their re-cycled newspaper bags. They are made by an NGO whose main objective is to provide eduaction and shelter to street children of Delhi. Each bag is totally individual and is is quite exciting to see what random "message" the angels deliver in the newspaper headlines! Why not buy some to use as gift wrapping rather than those over packaged fripperies we buy at the department stores? I will be using them to package my canvas's at the forthcoming events"
- - "Through serendipity, I came across and read a most humble and resonant book "The Magus of Strovalos" by Kriacos Markides which tells the remarkable story of "Daskalos" Dr Stylianos Atteshlis , a modern day Christian Mystic and healer who lived and taught in Cyprus. The website, is the link to his teachings and his wisdom through the Researchers of Truth. I feel I would have liked to have met with this man."
- - Dave Greenhalgh (husband of the sparkley Heather of Higher Harmony) carved a very special piece of stone for me to celebrate Martins new workplace and now he has his own website to celebrate his work! If you need something carved in stone that is beautiful, unique and created by a true craftsman, have a look at Daves gifted work.
- - I make no apology for having mentioned this project before. I feel very strongly that this simple but powerful symbolic bracelet of rainbow coloured beads should be advocated as a way for us to promote true friendship, respect, and peace between people of all cultures, lifestyles, faiths, beliefs and none! Wearing the PeaceMal is a promise to help create a better world.
- - Sometimes you need to reach just a little further to find the teacher with the wisdom and knowledge that satisfies your needs on a particular stage of the journey. Claire Montanaro provides inspiration, transformation, enlightenment and healing through her work as a channel for spirit, and her spiritual development courses, books (I love her "Spiritual Wisdom" published by Piatkus), meditation CDs and Pure Reiki Training.
- - "Blissful CDs and downloads for relaxation, meditation and yoga. I have become increasingly aware of the sounds which feel good to surround myself with as I work. I recently downloaded Dreamscapes and find it is still playing on repeat by the end of the day. . . . I love it!!"
- - Ros Colman is a gifted psychic artist with whom I have exchanged pleasantries many times over the years at various MBS events. However, just recently I was drawn to ask her to connect with, and to illustrate one of my own Spirit Guides who I felt was trying to make themselves known to me. I was so impressed with how Ros works, and the results of the consultation were AMAZING. I am absolutely delighted with my new "friend"
- - If you have never watched The Gratitude Dance . . here it is . . feel free to applaud loudly xxxx
- - My personal journey recently with The Emerald Tablets of Thoth (Doreal) and The Lion People (Murry Hope) has led me to this local publisher (Loughborough) of new titles, re-prints and classic books, by respected authors of the literary mind working and writing about the western mystery tradition, comparative religions and philosophies. For magical books and informative esoteric study books, often hard to get titles, do check them out. They also have an Amazon link.
- - This has got to be way high up on my list of AMAZING things to experience in this lifetime. . for a mere £3 entry fee! The creators of the project are Nottingham based and their work has been shown all over the world. The Illuminaruim is a series of inflatable corridors and cavernous pods which transform light into luminous plays of colour as you traverse the seemingly endless passages of the sculpture. Enter and be amazed!!!