One of the 12, Sabi was delivered a powerful insight in dreamtime when she was repeatedly presented with a number . . . 549. She woke up immediately and Googled 549 to find it is the page all about calendars and the time differences between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Further down the page it refers to accuracy and the Winter Solstice is mentioned. There is a difference of 19 minutes between the Gregorian timing at 06.08 and the Julian at 05.49.
Sabi, was then given the following message; Thursday evening 6th December 07- 8.04pm
"Chosen ones that must not be seen when the dark and light emerge. We must get through the portal/door before the rest do - why? Because our work is going to be done at a level that will guide the lost ones that get left behind or slowed down through the door. We will be highly protected once we have gone through the point that has been created especially for us. We do NOT go into the shift with the rest of humanity, we go through before to help them all through their journey. Darkness will not be able to see us, we will not exist in their world any longer. Our arms will reach out to hold and embrace, we are leaders- we must lead others through this time, we will be given every tool, knowledge and guidance we need - All we must do is go through the right door. 549"
As many of those who were to be part of this day had some distance to travel to the venue, prior to setting off on the journey, the Group had all undertaken to light a candle individually on behalf of themselves at the point of Solstice. Martin and I would symbolically light a Master candle at the same moment in the space which would facilitate our work that day. This would effectively anchor everyone’s energy into a single focal point of light. Once everyone was physically present in the same space, we could light individual candles from the Master to reclaim our own energies back. However, this new information required that we reschedule the lighting of the candles to 05.49 and that we hold the energy, for 19 minutes, in silence until the recognised moment of Solstice at 06.08. Within that silence, we would be allowed our passage in safety. There were in fact 4 of us to hold the space as Mark Brittain and Hilary Hargreaves had stayed overnight as our guests and accompanied us to the venue for the lighting of the Master candle.
(Steve Judd checked out that “window” and inexplicably, and only relating to Nottingham, at that 05.49 moment Scorpio passed into Sagittarius. We had to ensure that the work was not undertaken a moment too early or we would carry old Scorpio energy forward.)